Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants – High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)

Online course    13-Nov-2024    9:30 am - 3:30 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)


If you want to get knowledgeable on Cycle Chemistry of Power Generating Plants in a very short time, this comprehensive, yet compact course is just right for you.


Main Learning Outcomes of this course:

  • Understand the unique features and needs of high-pressure (hp) steam generators
  • Know the main technologies and configurations of hp boiler feedwater preparation
  • Learn about the main challenges in high-pressure boiler systems
  • Know the different types of deposition and corrosion in hp steam plants
  • Know the various industry guidelines regulating hp steam plants
  • Understand key chemical treatment aspects of boiler feedwater & condensate programs
  • Understand key chemical treatment aspects of internal (boiler) and steam treatment programs
  • Understand the importance of good steam purity, risks and mitigation factors
  • Troubleshoot out-of-specification cycle chemistry conditions
  • Learn about water-steam cycle monitoring methods (instrumentation and monitoring)
  • Know how to select the best choice of chemical treatment regime(s)
  • Optimization of chemical feed points across the water-steam cycle
  • Know the fundamentals of a boiler inspection in a hp steam plant (combined-cycle)


Course Description

The production of electrical energy generally involves high-pressure steam production in a steam generator (boiler).  The term “high pressure” normally refers to the range of 900 psig (63 kg/cm2) to well above the supercritical pressure 3508 psig ( 247 kg/cm2). Steam temperatures for many of these boilers are often at least 1,000o F, with some modern units operating at 1,050 to 1,100oF.  Conditions inside these units are very demanding, requiring high-purity makeup water, with precise chemical treatment and monitoring to minimize corrosion and deposit formation. The 1990s brought the emergence of combined-cycle power generation, in which combustion turbine exhaust gases provide the energy for steam production in heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). Most common are triple-pressure HRSGs, with a high-, medium-, and low-pressure boiler (evaporator).  Such configurations add complexity to chemistry control.  Many power plants today are no longer base-loaded, but rather cycle up and down in load, or on and off which imposes a greater degree of complexity to the cycle chemistry control.  Cycling has a profound impact on both operational and off-line chemistry, and on corrosion protection.  Impurity ingress from a condenser tube leak or other source can cause immense problems if not corrected quickly.  The use of reducing agents (“oxygen scavengers”) in condensate/feedwater loops is now considered not to be a best practice.  And even minor carryover of impurities with the steam can cause major problems in the turbines of power plants.

This comprehensive course reviews the entire water-steam cycle, including the various forms of waterside degradation and corrosion that may occur in the feedwater/condensate, boiler/HRSG, and steam circuits. The various chemical water treatment programs for feedwater, boiler and steam are presented in detail.  Also covered are the monitoring and troubleshooting aspects of modern power plant chemistry as well as the most common configurations of boiler feedwater preparation plant. Although both conventional and combined-cycle plants are included, the emphasis of this course is on the latter type of unit. This course encompasses best practice concepts throughout.

This course is very practically oriented and focused on best practices.  Lots of invaluable insights are shared. The instructor has 34+ years of experience in high-pressure steam plant systems.


Who Should Attend:

  • Plant Engineers
  • Utility Engineers
  • Operation Managers
  • Maintenance Managers
  • Maintenance Engineers
  • Technologists/technicians
  • Project Managers in the Chemical, Petrochemical, Chemical Processing and other industries
  • Reliability Engineers
  • Stationary Engineers / Plant Operators
  • Risk Management Staff
  • Anyone involved in Plant Asset Management
  • Operating personnel or anyone requiring a working level knowledge of Cycle Chemistry of high-pressure boilers
  • This course will be of particular interest to anyone involved in the operation and maintenance of high-pressure boiler systems

Requirements: Registrants are requested to bring a calculator to the online classes.



Make sure to take a look at other upcoming courses:

Date/Time Event
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Industrial Cooling Water Treatment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Layup (Storage) Best Practices for Steam-Water Touched Equipment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Root Cause Analysis for Boiler & HRSG Failures (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Plant Technology – Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Industrial Cooling Water Treatment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Optimization of Mechanical and Chemical Deaeration for Steam Plants (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Layup (Storage) Best Practices for Steam-Water Touched Equipment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Fundamentals of Industrial Water Treatment Chemistry (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Best Practices of Controlling Microbiology of Industrial Cooling Systems (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Mitigating The Risk Of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Optimization of Mechanical and Chemical Deaeration for Steam Plants (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Root Cause Analysis for Boiler & HRSG Failures (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Plant Technology – Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Steam Purity Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


Course agenda:

  1. Steam Generation
    1. Basic concepts
    2. Main steam generator types & configurations
    3. Boiler Makeup pretreatment methods
      1. Reverse Osmosis
      2. Demineralization by ion-exchange
      3. Electrodeionization
      4. Combination systems
  2. High-pressure steam generation chemistry
    1. Fundamental boiler water-side issues
      1. Deposit control
      2. Corrosion control
      3. Main types of corrosion failures
  1. Modern high-pressure boiler water treatment programs
    1. The role of industry guidelines (EPRI, IAPWS, ASME)
    2. Condensate/Feedwater Treatment
      1. pH control
      2. Ammonia
      3. Neutralizing amines
      4. Film forming amines
      5. Reducing chemistry
      6. Oxygenated treatments
  2. Internal Boiler Treatment
    1. Phosphate-based treatment regimes
    2. Caustic treatment
    3. All-volatile treatment
  3. Steam Purity
    1. Steam quality vs. steam purity
    2. Importance of steam purity
    3. Carryover of boiler water
    4. Sampling steam
      1. Saturated steam vs. superheated steam sampling
      2. How to correctly sample steam
      3. Impact of steam load & sliding pressure on steam purity
  4. Instrumentation and Monitoring
  5. Tips on how to inspect high-pressure steam generator systems



Make sure to take a look at other upcoming courses:

Date/Time Event
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Industrial Cooling Water Treatment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Layup (Storage) Best Practices for Steam-Water Touched Equipment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Root Cause Analysis for Boiler & HRSG Failures (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Plant Technology – Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Industrial Cooling Water Treatment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Optimization of Mechanical and Chemical Deaeration for Steam Plants (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Layup (Storage) Best Practices for Steam-Water Touched Equipment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Fundamentals of Industrial Water Treatment Chemistry (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Best Practices of Controlling Microbiology of Industrial Cooling Systems (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Mitigating The Risk Of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Optimization of Mechanical and Chemical Deaeration for Steam Plants (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Root Cause Analysis for Boiler & HRSG Failures (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Plant Technology – Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Steam Purity Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


The course fee is USD $695.00.

You can pay by credit card using Stripe. Click here to learn more.

All bookings are subject to acceptance of our Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions and Cancellation & Refunds Policy.



Make sure to take a look at other upcoming courses:

Date/Time Event
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Industrial Cooling Water Treatment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Layup (Storage) Best Practices for Steam-Water Touched Equipment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Root Cause Analysis for Boiler & HRSG Failures (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Plant Technology – Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Industrial Cooling Water Treatment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Optimization of Mechanical and Chemical Deaeration for Steam Plants (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Layup (Storage) Best Practices for Steam-Water Touched Equipment (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Fundamentals of Industrial Water Treatment Chemistry (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Best Practices of Controlling Microbiology of Industrial Cooling Systems (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Mitigating The Risk Of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Optimization of Mechanical and Chemical Deaeration for Steam Plants (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Root Cause Analysis for Boiler & HRSG Failures (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Plant Technology – Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Steam Purity Best Practices (Live Training, not pre-recorded)


Online Courses / Webinars Withdrawal, Cancellation and Rescheduling

By registering for an online training course or webinar organised by Industrial Water Treatment Academy (iwtA) you agree to the following Training Cancellation policy as well to our general Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy (both available on our website, regardless of whether such registration was made through website or via email, telephone, or any other means.

If you wish to withdraw from an online training event (online course or webinar), you must first advise us by email, and include the official payment receipt.  Our policies regarding refunds are:

  • You may cancel online-based training bookings at any time.
  • If you cancel more than 10 (ten) business days before the training event:  the full amount will be refunded minus a US$75.00 and a US$35.00 administration charge for an online course and webinar, respectively.
  • If you cancel between 3 and 9 business days before the training event: 50% of the full amount paid will be refunded.
  • If you cancel less than 3 (three) business days in advance:  you can request a non-refundable credit, valid for 12 months from the date of the original payment, which can be applied to a different iwtA online course or webinar. Credits are transferable within your company – simply contact the Registrar at with your request giving the name and email address of the co-worker taking your place.
  • If an instructor is not available due to unforeseen circumstances, another instructor of equal ability (decided at the sole discretion of iwtA) will be substituted whenever possible; if a suitable instructor is unavailable, the course will be cancelled and rescheduled. iwtA reserves the right to cancel courses, change instructors, or change course content. If iwtA has to cancel a course due to unforeseen circumstances, a full refund will be issued to the registrant.
  • No training booking will be final and confirmed until the full amount is paid either by credit card or bank transfer.

A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to all participants that attend a given online course or webinar in its entirety.

The Industrial Water Treatment Academy (iwtA) is currently in the initial stages of seeking an ANSI-accredited international standard certification in Continuing Education that will enable iwtA to award Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to its course participants. We expect this milestone to be reached by 2023.

You must make the payment through the intermediary (Paypal or Stripe) in USD or other foreign currency subject to exchange rates and/or service commissions.

Deverá efectuar o pagamento ao intermediário (Paypal ou Stripe) em USD ou outra moeda estrangeira sujeita às taxas de câmbio e/ou comissões pelo serviço.

Refunds and cancellation policy


Cycle Chemistry for Power Plants - High-Pressure Boilers (Live Training, not pre-recorded)

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